Get your FREE Website Diagnosis today to uncover what’s really holding your practice back!

Is Your Website Out of Alignment? Diagnose it Now Before it Costs You More Patients!

A well-designed website is more than just looks—it’s about converting visitors into appointments. If your site is misaligned, it could be sending patients elsewhere without you realizing it.

Are Patients Leaving Your Website faster than you can say "adjustment"?

  • Outdated design driving patients away?

  • Confusing navigation or poor mobile experience?

  • Low conversions despite high traffic?

  • From slow load times to poor mobile design, the unseen issues could be the cause of your stagnant appointment book.

If your patients suffer from back pain, they probably don’t know what’s causing it without your expert diagnosis, right? Your website is no different. It might be the reason patients aren’t booking online—but without the right audit, you won’t know what’s out of place.

Are Patients Leaving Your Website faster than saying "adjustment"?

If your patients suffer from back pain, they probably don’t know what’s causing it without your expert diagnosis, right? Your website is no different. It might be the reason patients aren’t booking online—but without the right audit, you won’t know what’s out of place.

  • Outdated design driving patients away?

  • Confusing navigation or poor mobile experience?

  • Low conversions despite high traffic?

  • From slow load times to poor mobile design, the unseen issues could be the cause of your stagnant appointment book.


500+ Clients

400+ 5 stars

Imagine if you can confidently boast of a website that no longer confuses, frustrates or repels visitors...

Start with a FREE website diagnosis, then level up with web design, sales funnels, and behavioral-driven marketing solutions to continually grow your practice. Don't get a new website yet!

Start with a FREE Website Diagnosis: Identify problems and missed opportunities.

You shouldn't just redesign for the sake of it. Just like you wouldn't just start treating a patient without proper diagnosis, you should first perform an in-depth audit to pinpoint what’s really going wrong.

Get a Conversion-focused website based on behavioral insights.

It’s not about having a flashy website. It’s about one that turns visitors into patients. Your websites should do the heavy lifting for you so you can maximize all your SEO and online AD return on investment.

Drive data driven patient traffic, build loyalty, and scale your practice! No trial and error.

Use data driven and behavioral marketing to drive potential patients to a website you are confident of - the one that will keep your calendar overbooked!

You wouldn’t realign a patient’s spine without an x-ray, and you shouldn’t overhaul your website without knowing exactly what needs fixing.

Our 3 Smart Steps to Realign Your Online Presence.

At Iconic Digital World, we believe in more than just pretty websites. We believe in creating digital experiences that convert visitors into patients. Your website should be the backbone of your practice—supporting your business every step of the way. We’re not just designers—we’re your business growth partners, here to ensure your success.


Claim your Free Website Diagnosis:

Our x-ray for your website. We analyze your site’s strengths and weaknesses, from user experience to SEO and mobile performance...but most especially, it's lead conversion issues.


Schedule Exclusive Strategy Meeting:

Schedule a meeting to discuss the issues we discovered from your free diagnosis and get a comprehensive strategy to stop them from continuing to sabotage your marketing efforts.


Implement Strategies for Practice growth:

Based on the diagnosis, we implement the proven strategies earlier shared drastically increase lead to patient conversions, improve usability, and consistently attract new patients.

  • Website Diagnosis:

    Our x-ray for your website. We analyze your site’s strengths and weaknesses, from user experience to SEO and mobile performance.

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We can fix your poor lead conversion woes. Our website diagnosis ensures that every change is based on hard data, so you’re not guessing about what’s costing you clients.

Comprehensive Solutions to Realign Your Online Presence.

More than just websites, we provide a complete system for growing your practice.

Behavioural Driven

Website Design

Eye-catching, patient-converting design using the latest in neuro-marketing to ensure every visitor is guided seamlessly toward booking an appointment.

Neuromarketing Driven

Brand Strategy

Position your practice as the go-to expert with a solid brand foundation that sets you apart from competitors.

Performance Driven


Automated, optimized marketing and date-driven strategies that capture leads and nurture them through every step until they’re ready to book.

Ready to block all the loopholes that are secretly wasting your advertising budget?

What more can you get from our services?

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Guaranteed Revenue Growth

Customized Strategies

Expert Guidance and Support

Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Sales Solutions

24/ 7 Support


Brand Identity


Hear from Our Satisfied Clients Who Have Achieved Remarkable Growth


Better Conversions, more efficiency!

Our old website looked unprofessional with a confusing layout – no wonder leads weren't converting. Our coach (who's used Iconic for 70+ chiropractors!) recommended them, and what a difference! Now, our site converts, and their system keeps our leads organized – a night and day difference!

- Dr. Ro


Great job on Chiropractic website

These guys did a great job on my website, and were very responsive! Definitely recommend them!

- Dr Bryan Deloney

Don’t let an outdated, poorly designed website cause you to lose more patients.

  • Potential patients leaving your site within seconds

  • Lower SEO rankings, making it harder to be found

  • Loss of trust and credibility with potential patients

  • Missed opportunities for conversions and growth

Your website should work for you—not against you. Avoid these costly mistakes by getting your FREE website diagnosis today.

Ready to Expose all the Issues Repelling Potential Customers and Transform Your Practice?


Still got questions?

How long does it take to receive the diagnosis results?

The time frame for receiving the audit results may vary, but you can expect a detailed report within a 24 - 36hrs of submitting your request.

What kind of recommendations will the diagnosis report include?

The audit report will include recommendations on improving website design, user experience, and conversion strategies. It may also suggest changes in content, layout, and functionality to enhance overall performance.

Is there any cost associated with the website conversion diagnosis?

The website conversion audit is offered for free to help businesses understand potential improvements without any initial cost. No strings attached.

Will I need to provide my website login details for the diagnosis?

No, you do not need to provide your website login details for the audit. Our team conducts the audit externally, focusing on analyzing your website's public-facing elements and performance metrics. This ensures your data remains secure while we provide valuable insights for improvement.

Can I implement the recommendations myself, or do I need professional help?

While some recommendations can be implemented by yourself, others may require professional assistance, especially if they involve technical changes or advanced marketing strategies. Iconic Digital World can provide support for implementing these recommendations.

What are the benefits of conducting a website diagnosis before implementing a redesign?

Businesses that conduct a website audit before redesigning have been said to experience an increase in conversions, reduction in SEO issues, higher boost in client trust, and avoidance of common redesign pitfalls. This proactive approach ensures a smoother, more successful redesign process.

A poorly performing website is costing you more than just patients—it’s costing your practice growth and reputation!

How much longer will you let that happen?

100% risk free - No strings attached

What’s the Cost of NOT Fixing Your Website?

  • Losing potential patients to competitors with better websites

  • Dropping lower in SEO rankings

  • Damaged credibility, leading to fewer referrals

  • A frustrating user experience that hurts your practice’s reputation

Total value: $297

Today...get it free!


"An eye opener!"

"The website audit showed us the hidden issues that we were not even aware of" - Edden

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